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Archive | Herd Health

Stockmanship, Dr. Lee Jones, UGA College of Veterinary Medicine

Stockmanship, like sustainability, is a commonly used word that many might find hard toclearly define in a few words. Stockmanship has been defined as the knowledgeable and skillful handling of livestock in a safe, efficient, effective, and low-stress manner and denotes a low-stress, integrated, comprehensive, holistic approach to livestock handling (Stockmanship Journal). However, stockmanship is […]

Horn Fly Control – Dealing with Insecticide Resistance

Cattlemen are faced with fly control decisions every year. Horn flies are the most important in terms of economic loss to cattle producers, accounting for about $1 billion annually in the United States. Control of horn flies became very convenient with the introduction of insecticide ear tags. The early ear tags contained pyrethroid insecticides and […]

Poor Quality Forages Pose Life-Threatening Risk to Southeastern Cow Herds

What Is Happening A large number of beef cattle producers in the Southeastern U.S. are reporting that their cows are experiencing diarrhea, dying soon after calving or dying unexpectedly. Some producers have also reported an increase in the number of cows aborting or giving birth to weak or stillborn calves. Please click the link below […]

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